The Knights of the White Wolf are based in the city of Middenheim, where their Order was founded following a great victory against the Forces of Chaos outside the city walls during the first few years of Sigmar's reign as the First Emperor of the Empire. The Knights are all followers of the god Ulric, who is worshipped throughout the Empire as the patron God of War, a position that supplements the position of Sigmar in the more northern provinces such as Nordland and Middenland. Many units, such as the Brotherhood of the Axe, the Teutogen Guard and the berserk Fellwolf Brotherhood comprise the elite core of this savage order.
The Order of the Knights of the White Wolf, or White Wolves as they are more commonly known, are the most infamous of all the Templar Order under the worship and servitude of the Ar-Ulric and their God, Ulric, God of Wolves and Winter. Readily identified by their distinctive wolf pelts and their savage fighting-style, the Knights of the White Wolf are the most ancient and largest of the Templar Orders in the entire Old World, their founding dating back to the time of Ar-Ulric Wulcan, during the Age of Sigmar some 2,500 years ago. The Knights' wolf-skin cloaks, coupled with their long, often wild hair and beards, gives them a barbaric appearance similar to those of the first worshippers of Ulric, but in truth they are a highly disciplined and martial Order whose presence inspire both courage and savagery that rivals that of even the most blood-thirsty and savage of the Northmen