The Grand Duchies of Middenland and Middenheim is a major and founding Imperial Province that lies at the heart of the northern Empire. Towering above the gloomy canopies of the Drakwald Forest is a sheer-sided pinnacle of white rock atop which sits the fortress-city of Middenheim, capital of Middenland and the holy City of the White Wolf. The White Wolf is the holy symbol of Ulric, the Imperial God of War, Winter and Wolves.[2a]
He is the patron Warrior God of the northern Empire, the Cult of Ulric being centered around the region and the impressive Temple of Ulric is a wonder of the city that attracts pilgrims of many nations. A powerful army clothed in the city-state colors of blue and white, nigh-impregnable walls and tirelessly patrolled by armies along the roads leading into the Ulricsberg.[